Heart Mind Integration Healing

HMI Healing

  Client’s sharing: “HMI Healing empowers people to experience extraordinary emotional and spiritual healing and renewal.”


There is a new body of research that supports the notion that we are much more than what we think of, as us. The mind body connection is far greater than the simple ego/self. What we see, is that there are two types of ego, the balanced ego and the imbalanced ego. The balanced ego equals our healthy balanced self (healthy boundaries, acceptance, compassion, gratitude, unconditional love and so on). The imbalanced ego equals the parts of us that react inappropriately to the situation at hand.

    These parts can carry many different charges, in response to their perceived hurts. Each part is related to an event or trauma in that person’s life, where they perceived or miss-perceived a particular event. Upon this injury/trauma/abuse, the part splits off from the Spirit-self/whole-psyche and goes into a shadow area (protective field/repression) that encircles the Spirit self.

    This event is the key to the healing process. Depending on the part’s charge or charges related to the event, one may or may not be allowed in, to connect with the part. The part or parts that are carrying these charges are hurting, angry, sad, abandoned, fearful, etc. The problem is, these parts have taken on charges and beliefs that are in response to the original hurt or hurts. These parts are stuck at the age and in the mindset of their response to the  event, literally in that moment of time.

    These parts often don’t look or act anything like their original self. They can show up as mean, aloof, super happy, smart, hurting, sad, distant, vulnerable, aggressive, ugly, grotesque, etc. These parts can take on a roll of fierce protection or victim or any thing in between. Both have their challenges as to how to work with them.

    Each part has a story or stories that compile its burdens/traumas. These stories are the place to bring your focus, if the part is willing to share them. The part will either tell you or show you the event and feelings associated with that event.

    Now the healing begins. Healing is a matter of the natural flow (tendency) of everyone and everything to find its way back to the center (balance). As soon as our parts realize we are here to help them and they can trust us, they are very willing to heal and let go of the past. This is a process, but it doesn’t take as long as one may think.

    Sometimes what we need to do is blocked by a part of ourselves that is not in sync with our true path, destiny or Highest self but is instead driving our bus as us. We all have soul parts that have splintered out of our direct conscious minds to become our shadow parts. These parts often sabotage our best efforts to evolve, learn and create what we most want in life.

Student’s sharing: “Very profound, extremely powerful, life altering. I've learned to enter into a space and remember why I came here and remember I am the Light. It's given me tools to affect changes I'm trying to make in the world. It brings a beautiful flowering of a person's capacity to grow and heal and live in freedom and purity.”

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HMI Healing




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A New Blend of Shamanistic Psychology